Aesthetic Dermatology
The skin is the organ where the most obvious signs of the passage of time are observed, with the appearance of spots, wrinkles and / or sagging. These signs of aging can be minimized through various antiaging procedures such as:
- Hyaluronic acid infiltrations
- Botulinum toxin
- Chemical Peeling
- Photorejuvenation and Resurfacing
- Vitamins
Hyaluronic acid infiltrations
The loss of collagen associated with age, chronic sun damage and the progressive decrease of hyaluronic acid typical of our skin tissue makes the skin have a tendency to facial sagging ...Hyaluronic acid infiltrations
Botulinum toxin
As a consequence of our facial gesticulation, it is likely that with the passage of time, wrinkles will be generated that initially only appeared when the expression was performed and that they end up being present at rest.Botulinum toxin
Chemical peeling
Some very superficial signs of skin aging consist of the appearance of sunspots, wrinkles and a general appearance of the skin off and uneven.Chemical peeling
Platelet growth factors or platelet rich plasma are ideal for stimulating facial tissue, especially in times of convalescence of a disease, after a strong weight loss or simply to achieve a rapid improvement in facial expression.PRP
Facial rejuvenation and resurfacing
Facial rejuvenation with therapy is recommended when you want to reaffirm and strengthen the tissues with sagging because it has a temporary stretching effect when activating muscle fibers and collagen production.Facial rejuvenation and resurfacing
Vitamins, being a combination of the main nutrients that our skin needs, are ideal for resuscitating fatigued skin as they provide luminosity and for the prevention of intense sun exposure due to its antioxidant action.Vitamins
Digitized facial diagnosis ADONIA- Video advice DermAndTek