
Warts are one of the most common reasons for consultation in dermatology, especially in children. They are the result of a skin infection by the human papillomavirus. They are characterized by be lesions that protrude, for having a scratchy appearance and for have small black dots. They usually appear on the hands, feet, knees and elbows, but can appear anywhere on the body.

Transmission can be through physical contact skin with the skin or with the inoculum of virus of the exterior (by frequency in floors of the pool or locker rooms).

In general, the diagnosis is simple for the experienced dermatologist and is performed with the observation, palpation and / or use of dermatoscopy.

The option of treatment varies depending on the number and type of injuries, the patient preference and the treatments used previously. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate each particular case.

Topical treatment consists in the application of a preparation that combines keratolytic drugs and drugs to eliminate the wart, dissolve excess skin and potentiate the action of the immune system. The preparation is applied daily, having previously smoothing over the wound.

Another alternative is cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen. This treatment results in faster and more effective than the first option, but it is a technique that can only be performed by a specialist.

We suggest combining the two treatments for best results.